cca common app grade importer

I come bearing gifts.

aeries.user.js and common-app.user.js are two Tampermonkey scripts that let you export grades from aeries and then import them into common app.


In order to use the script, you must first install Tampermonkey. You can install it from here.

After installing Tampermonkey, click on these links and press Install



After installing the scripts, go to the Aeries Transcripts page and press the "Export Grades" button.

With the grades copied to your clipboard, go to the Common App Courses & Grades page, and press the "Import Grades" button. Paste the encoded grades into the box and press enter.

Then press any of the new buttons and don't touch anything until it stops.

After it stops doing anything, fill in any details that it didn't fill in for you (and let me know so I can update it.)

Let me know if you have any issues or comments. Best way to reach me is through Discord. It's in the footer.